The Little Mermaid
Book: Fred Abrahamse & Marcel Meyer
Music & Lyrics: Marcel Meyer
Direction: Fred Abrahamse
Musical Direction: Marcel Meyer
Set Design: Fred Abrahamse
Costume Design: Marcel Meyer
Puppet Design: Marcel Meyer
Puppet Construction: Koos Marais & Fred Abrahamse
Lighting Design: JP Wilson
2012 Canal Walk Cast: Jenny Stead, Stephen Jubber, Earl Gregory, Candice van Litsenborgh, Jaco Nothnagel
2012/3 Baxter Cast: Talya Burt, Michael Wallace, Candice van Litesenborg, Roelof Storm, Jaco Nothlagel
2019 Canal Walk Cast: Alexis Petersen, Matthew Baldwin, Cindy-Ann Abrahams, Alex Tops, Marcel Meyer, Edith Plaatjies, Rebecca Hartle, Shakir Bester
Venues and Dates: Canal Walk Theatre [23 June- 15 July 2012] Flipside Baxter Theatre Centre [4 December 2012 – 5 January 2013] Canal Walk Theatre [15 June – 7 July 2019]
About: An original musical adaptation based on Hans Christian Andersen’s beloved tale of a mermaid who falls in love with a Prince, then sells her voice to a Sea-witch to realise her dream of being a human.
What the Press Said:
“Fred Abrahamse and Marcel Meyer’s The Little Mermaid is a delight to watch with zany characters, colourful costumes, set and puppets and songs. Magical and dreamy. It’s geared for young audiences, but older fry will be charmed by the spectacle, finely tuned script and A-List cast” THE CAPE ROBYN
“What truly impresses, is that all the songs are original musical numbers penned by Meyer. Each one is spot on.” DIE BURGER
“I can only imagine what an enchantment this show must be if you’re a young audience member. Full of imagination and invention and bristling with life, it takes hold of one and keeps that steady grip for almost the entire show. I was particularly impressed with the set design, which verges on ingenious, and the costumes are wonderfully detailed and lush. All this attention to detail really does transport one to a fairy tale reality” THE NEXT 48 HOURS
“With a collection of catchy, original songs written by Marcel Meyer and an energetic cast of characters, the show is the perfect way to keep children enthralled for just under an hour and the witty dialogue is fun for the grown-ups too” THE CAPE TIMES
“If moms and dads are looking for entertainment for the little ones for the holiday season, The Little Mermaid will do the trick for the entire family” THE CAPE ARGUS